Happy New Year...and thank you for for visiting Serenity Women's Clinic!
For me, the 'New Year' has always meant a chance at a new start and this year has been one of the biggest for me. Let's just say 12 months ago, I would not have thought I would be in the throes of setting up a new business... but here I am and not looking back!
My passion has always been Women's Health and I am excited to provide treatments in Facial Aesthetics as well. I will be utilising the experience, knowledge and skills I have gained in many years working as a Doctor in the NHS and bringing it to new environments with the latest evidence based opportunities for you.
One of my other joys has been in medical education... and I happen to enjoy a bit of event planning too! So, in addition to working clinically, I look forward to organising what I hope will be 'fun' but educational events, to raise awareness in the local community. I believe educational support and empowerment of communities of all backgrounds is key to creating sustainable change for the future of Women's health. Do get in touch if you would like to discuss an event for your group or organisation.
There's still time to book onto the first one taking place on 14th January, 1.45pm at Hotpod Yoga, Taunton... you will find a serene afternoon filled with Yoga, Sound Baths, aromatic tea's and a talk by me on Menopause and lifestyle!
Find out more or book your tickets at www.hotpodyoga.com/studios/taunton/prices/
Have a great January!! Smita x